Adobe InDesign Tutorial Content

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    Adobe InDesign
    Tutorial Content
    Earlier last year Adobe contacted us to build a bold series of illustrations showcasing some of the newest features in Adobe's CC learning center. As they start to air live, here is the first series dedicated to InDesign's tutorial section. We couldn't resist such a kind request: to build culture, to play an ace card in parallel thinking while still falling deeper in love with our tools of the trade? Irresistible!
    There is a deep rationale when it comes to illustration: to understand the concept and context, to have fun and allow an energy blast, and to grow bigger with each motto — it is as scientifical and emotional as it gets. Focusing in Color Themes in Indesign, Interactivity and Preview in Fixed Layout EPUB, and highlighting the versus between embedding or linking graphics: this series aims to be inspiring, daring, extremely visual and utterly respectful. A vertigo adventure.
    As such, a new positive horizon was born.
    Can you spot the game? Here are some straight Royal keys for your delight.
    Color Themes in Indesign: Color as an active element in the landscape | Showcase Color Integration in InDesign and Adobe CC Platforms (Cloud Libraries) | UI as storytelling elements | Poetic approach to color in the workflow | Explosion of color & typography to build narrative and dynamic composition.
    Interactivity and Preview in Fixed Layout EPUB: Display of interactive elements over fixed composition with strong editorial context | Integrated UI elements of both InDesign and digital interface | Cursor hold & Cursor Pressed | Poetic storytelling of an open book crossed with interface elements to enhance digital content over a dynamic narrative.
    Embedding or linking graphics: 2 Step active narrative | Link as dynamic refreshable and infinite embedding of files within the document | Copy Paste as static movement | Showcase of UI elements enhancing the edit abilities of the link in InDesign | Color & Type explosion to empower narrative | Symbolic approach to two moments: the difference between static placement and editable embedding.
    From the web to the hello window,
    ladies and gentleman, care for your software popups:

    The warmest regards to Erica Larson for the creative guidance:
    A toast to the great commitment and monumental spirit!
    Enjoy a wonderful time,
    Hop on to Adobe's InDesign CC tutorials
    Have fun, build history,
    The Royal Studio