"Fleeting Seasons" Part II, 2015

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  •  - Fleeting Seasons -

  • With her new series FLEETING SEASONS Berlin based artist Andrea Wan dedicates her artwork to one of the oldest topics in fine arts: transience and the eternal circle of life and death. Taking inspiration by the old idea of ‘Vanitas’, which can be found in many different cultures, known in Europe mainly from baroque still-life paintings, Wan’s art depicts growth, transformation and decay in nature and the human body. In her surreal but still very graphic style, which is mostly achieved through color drawings with ink and gouache, she combines figures, plants and otherworldly landscapes against the white void. The tension which therefore fill the works intrigue the viewers mind and leaves it with fascination as much as that the topic itself troubles the artist’s mind who considers the unpredictable nature of growth, impermanent beauty and decay fascinating and yet terrifying.
    FLEETING SEASONS is currently on exhibit at BC Gallery, Berlin. The show runs from Jan 15 - Feb 28, 2015.
