• Sabadì – I Torroni
    Traditionals Torroni (nougats) directly from the heart of Sicily, with Slow Food raw materials. With a perfect balance between honey, pistachios, almonds and citrus zest this Torroni are the ideal treat for satisfy your sweet tooth.
    Sicily is a marvelous place, a melting pot where several idioms, art forms and flavors could mix and influence each other. There we started, from the idea of composing visually and metaphorically that environment,
    made of various rich narrative elements.
    Sabadì always starts by picking the best raw materials, tiles of a tremendous mosaic of flavors that we translate in a mosaic of stories to tell. Stories that come from the ground, sprout in the countryside, spread through the streets, the squares, the fountains, the churches, the palaces, the places, the people.
    Each bar is a chapter, made of four, and when placed side by side the entire story is a wonderful panorama.
  • Torrone Bianco con mandorle di Noto
  • Torrone Bianco con mandorle di Noto e Cacao Nacional
  • Torrone Bianco con Pistacchio verde di Bronte DOP
  • Torrone Abbrustolito con mandorle di Noto
  • Illustration
  • Art direction: Federico Galvani
    Illustration: Ilaria Roglieri
    Graphic design: Roberto Solieri & Ilaria Roglieri