• Created for Pause Fest Melbourne 2014 - pausefest.com.au
    Animation & Direction - Rich Nosworthy - generatormotion.com
    Sound Design & Music - Sonosanctus - sonosanctus.com
    Was honoured to be invited along with other great animators, designers & studios to create an ident for this year's Pause Fest in Melbourne. The theme was 'connected', and ideas were very loosely formed based on sketchbook doodles and some amazing early sound concepts from the very talented Wes Slover of Sono Sanctus. After trying out a lot of stuff, here's what came out:
    Airspace - Based on the theme of the creative community, as we travel through our differing ideas and inspiration together. Each interaction shapes and shifts the overall result, but the hope of creating something new and unique gives us reason to keep doing what we do. And of course who doesn't like a levitating giant squid monster?
    Best viewed in the dark with the headphones turned up loud.
    Thanks to George, Caspian and the entire Pause Fest Crew for the opportunity, and thanks to Wesley for the incredible sound design.  And extra thanks to Matt Westbrook for nuke assistance, fixing last minute render glitches

    Download the Extended EP from Sono Sanctus here http://thebuffalo.bandcamp.com/album/airspace
  • Making Of -