The previous matrix we've designed for the CCVF lasted three long years, its balance made
it work flawlessly and support multiple approaches, and it was both an instant and a long
lasting success.
it work flawlessly and support multiple approaches, and it was both an instant and a long
lasting success.
But three years is a very long time for a design with that level of exposure, so we've decided it
was time to introduce something new. It also made sense to change the overall look of "Oficina"'s communication as the organism is undergoing some structural changes, now managing some more venues as a result of the new platforms built during the European Capital of Culture, and needed a capable way of doing such communication as a whole, a sort of index of the Cultural activity in the city, branded "Guicul".
was time to introduce something new. It also made sense to change the overall look of "Oficina"'s communication as the organism is undergoing some structural changes, now managing some more venues as a result of the new platforms built during the European Capital of Culture, and needed a capable way of doing such communication as a whole, a sort of index of the Cultural activity in the city, branded "Guicul".
The whole redesign process started with the main concept that when you're programming for a cultural venue, each individual event doesn't exist by itself, but rather lives integrated in a collective logic, mirroring a certain number of intentions and expectations for both the public and the programmers. If such thinking makes sense for one venue, it becomes even
stronger when you consider multiple institutions, with different characteristics, yet working
as a common force.
stronger when you consider multiple institutions, with different characteristics, yet working
as a common force.
Traducing such ideas visually became our challenge.
The aforementioned concept of having an index of culture in Guimarães drove us into a very raw and loose aesthetic. We wanted this grid to be able to communicate an overall feel of each month's cultural programme, instead of highlighting the major events by themselves.
The way we've found to incorporate these intentions into a design, was to generate a long blank strip to which the information (text and images) of every single event would be transported to, vertically sorted by chronological order, and color coded.
This strip acts as the basis for every single support we design. Posters, flyers, outdoors, tarps, etc, for individual or groups of events are simply created from a crop of the original strip, and additionally provide the ability to display bits of collateral information. Each month, a new strip of events is generated.
Here are the results.
One event posters version

Two or more event posters version

Complete list of events for each month version

For the programme brochure, we've linked separate booklets with different page formats into a single object. One format for the introductory text for the month and information regarding the venues and ticket prices, another with further information of each event, and yet another for special events. We wanted them to be able to "live" by themselves, but to be stronger when connected. We've also introduced a geometric illustration on the cover, acting as both a marker for each month and an interpretation of the connections between the institutions that form Guicul's cultural platform.

Example of the strip and crop possibilities

Event outdoors

2013 Martino&Janã Design
Thank You!